


What We Do

About Us/What We Do

What We Do

The constitution states that we are a non-profit making organisation with public funds raised in order to offer financial aid and to support local cancer patients.


The society has a four-fold function:

  1. Fund raising.
  2. Dispensing of funds to applicants.
  3. Educating our members and the public towards a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Researching and organising events e.g. seminars and workshops and self-help groups to assist people who have experience cancer locally 

Funds are provided for:

  1. Travel Expenses to and from hospital for treatment.
  2. Home support and Home care assistance. HSE provide some support and the society fills in the gaps.
  3. Night nursing and sessional nursing. Irish Cancer Society provides some help and the society makes up the rest.
  4. Equipment not provided by the HSE such as beds.
  5. Funding in the event of loss of income as a result of cancer.
  6. Childcare when a parent is having treatment.

The Castleblayney Cancer Society supports The Irish Cancer Society by promoting Daffodil Day. These funds are used to provide a palliative care service, night nursing service, oncology service and helpline service in our community.

The Castleblayney Cancer Society can be contacted for assistance through your family doctor, the Public Health Nurse or any committee member. All business is dealt with in strictest confidence. 

  • Dispensing Funds
  • Supporting Research
  • Promoting Education
  • Supporting High Quality Care
  • Tel: 087 0909189
  • Charity Number: CHY 10301
Copyright 2025 by Castleblayney Cancer Society
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